
Masala Kannada Full Movie -

The story revolves around three college student pals who are fun loving. Vishwa played by Sunil the hero of the film is the leader of this gang. Vishwa is jovial and this trait is liked by many of his college mates including Ashwini who falls for him. But Vishwa spurns Ashwini but is attracted by Suma Radhika. Vishwas resists the advances made by Ashwini. At the same time another boy is in deep love with Suma who also refuses to entertain him. Both the dejected lovers combine to create some wedge between Vishwa and Suma and achieve some success.Meanwhile Vishwa wants to clear misunderstanding with Suma but in the meantime he is charged with murdering Ashwini who gets killed when being raped by a team of fashion co-coordinators. How Vishwa and his friends come out from the foisted charges of murder and get united with their lovers forms the rest of the story.
Indian Cinema Drama
Sunil Radhika Vishal
Directed by:
Dayal Padmanabhan
Produced by:
Written by:
Dayal Padmanabhan

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